Vulnerability Assessment is a proactive systematic examination used to identify, classify, and prioritize security defects in systems, networks, and applications. It employs various tools and techniques to scan and assess the digital environment for potential vulnerabilities. By conducting Vulnerability Assessments, organizations gain insights into their security posture, allowing them to address and mitigate security weaknesses, reducing the risk of exploitation by malicious actors.

Tell us

about your scope

What You'll Get

Executive Summary
Executive Summary

Key findings, risks, impacts, and critical recommendations.


Overview of methodologies, standards, tactics, and techniques used.

Technical Report

Detailed vulnerability analysis, reproduction steps, PoC, evidence.


Strategic and tactical walkthrough on how to fix vulnerabilities.

Expert Guidance

Comprehensive advice on cybersecurity enhancement strategies.

Complimentary Retest

 Offered once vulnerabilities are fixed.


What is Vulnerability Assessment?

Vulnerability assessment in cybersecurity refers to the process of identifying risks and known vulnerabilities across computer networks, systems, hardware, applications, and other parts of your IT ecosystem, on-prem and cloud. Vulnerability assessments provide security teams and other stakeholders with the information they need to analyze and prioritize risks for potential remediation in the proper context. These assessments are an important component of the vulnerability management and IT risk management lifecycles, helping prioritize time and resources, increase ROI on cybersecurity investments, and protect systems and data from unauthorized access and breaches.

Our company offers the following as part of the Vulnerability Assessment:

Automated Scanning

Efficient way to identify a wide range of known vulnerabilities across the organization’s systems, networks, and applications.

Manual Analysis

Expert-conducted manual analysis of the results to validate vulnerabilities, eliminate false positives, and assess each finding.

Risk Assessment

Prioritizes vulnerabilities based on their potential impact, the value of the affected assets, and the potential impact of an exploit.

Remediation Guidance

Delivers reports and recommendations for addressing vulnerabilities, suggesting actions like patching or reconfiguration.


Verifies remediation success, ensuring proper resolution of vulnerabilities and checking for the introduction of new issues.

Vulnerability Assessment is only part of a robust offensive security strategy— other services, such as penetration testing, can identify different types of threats to IT in your organization.

Unveil hidden vulnerabilities in your security defenses, allowing for focused and effective remediation.

Protect sensitive information and prevent costly breaches by proactively identifying security gaps.

Ensure adherence to data protection regulations and industry standards to avoid legal and financial repercussions.

Safeguard your brand and maintain customer trust by preventing cyber incidents that can damage your company’s image. 

Enhance your overall security posture through proactive testing, identifying areas for continuous improvement.

Efficiently allocate security resources and prioritize efforts based on the criticality of identified vulnerabilities.

Why Conduct a Vulnerability Assessment?

Conducting a vulnerability assessment is essential for providing a quantifiable measure of the risks to systems and sensitive data, validating the effectiveness of current security measures, and identifying potential areas for improvement.


When Should You Perform a Vulnerability Assessment?

Vulnerability assessments and scans should be performed due to the ever-changing IT environments and emerging threats to limit cybersecurity risk.

Regular Interval Assessments

Conduct assessments routinely (e.g., monthly, quarterly) to find and address emerging vulnerabilities.

System Updates/Upgrades

 Essential after any system updates or new software installations to check for potential risks.

Organizational Changes

Necessary following major events like mergers, acquisitions, or shifts in IT infrastructure or policies.

New Cybersecurity Threats

Assess vulnerabilities in light of emerging cyber threats to maintain robust security.

Security Implementations

Test to confirm the effectiveness of newly implemented security measures and protocols.

Post-Incident Analysis

Conduct after security incidents to understand their causes and reinforce defenses against future attacks.

We Provide Expert Solutions And Definite Results


Clear, upfront, with no
hidden costs.

Dedicated Project

Your security is our

Retesting After

Ensuring threats are
truly eliminated.


Premium protection,
reasonable rates.


Solutions fitted to your
specific needs.


Effectively securing your
digital assets.


A vulnerability assessment identifies vulnerabilities in your organization’s digital assets, including:


Evaluating the security of network infrastructure including routers, switches, and firewalls, and uncovering vulnerabilities such as unprotected ports or misconfigurations.


Assessing user access controls and permissions, ensuring they align with the principle of least privilege and are appropriately managed.


Scanning for known vulnerabilities in operating systems, applications, and other software, focusing on issues like outdated software or missing patches.

with Regulations

Checking compliance with relevant legal and industry standards like GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS, to avoid potential legal and regulatory issues.


Reviewing web-based applications for common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other potential exploits.


Including, but not limited to, physical security, data storage and management, hardware vulnerabilities, wireless security, and internal security policies and procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Couldn’t find the information you were looking for?

How does a vulnerability assessment differ from a penetration test?

A vulnerability assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of security weaknesses in your system, identifying potential vulnerabilities but not exploiting them. In contrast, a penetration test (pen test) goes a step further by actively exploiting these vulnerabilities to understand the potential impact of an attack. While vulnerability assessments provide a list of security weaknesses, penetration tests assess the damage these weaknesses could cause.

What types of vulnerabilities can a vulnerability assessment identify?

Vulnerability assessments can identify a range of security weaknesses, including outdated software, missing patches, improper configurations, weak network security protocols, and susceptibility to malware and phishing attacks. These assessments are thorough, covering both software and hardware vulnerabilities, and offer insights into potential security breaches.

How long does a typical vulnerability assessment take?

The duration of a vulnerability assessment can vary based on the size and complexity of your network. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. At Secragon, we prioritize efficient and comprehensive assessments to ensure no disruption to your operations.

Is a vulnerability assessment the same as a risk assessment?

No, they are distinct processes. A vulnerability assessment focuses specifically on identifying security weaknesses in your systems. A risk assessment, on the other hand, evaluates these vulnerabilities in the context of potential threats and their impact on the organization, helping prioritize which vulnerabilities to address first based on risk.

Do small businesses need vulnerability assessments?

Absolutely. Small businesses are often targets for cyber attacks due to the perception of weaker security systems. Vulnerability assessments are crucial for businesses of all sizes to identify and mitigate security risks, protecting sensitive data and maintaining customer trust.

How fast can I get a vulnerability assessment?

A test can typically be scheduled within a few days following a scoping call. If you need an urgent one, connect with us now to secure your spot — we’re ready to assist. 

How much does a vulnerability assessment cost?

The cost of a vulnerability assessment can vary widely depending on several factors, including the size and complexity of the organization’s network and systems, the scope of the assessment, the tools and methodologies used, and the expertise of the assessors. A vulnerability assessment is generally much more affordable compared to a penetration test. This cost efficiency is due to the less intensive nature of vulnerability assessments, which focus on identifying potential vulnerabilities, rather than the more complex process of actively exploiting them as in penetration testing.

Is my data safe during a security assessment?

Client data protection is our priority. We use non-destructive methods during our assessments and maintain strict confidentiality. Additionally, we implement rigorous safeguards and follow best practices to ensure that your data is not compromised at any point. Our team conducts thorough risk assessments to identify potential data safety issues before they arise, providing you with the assurance that your sensitive information remains secure throughout the process.


We, at Secragon, are a team of certified ethical hackers, visionary security engineers, seasoned penetration testers, and committed project managers… but first of all – professionals, who LIVE and BREATHE Offensive Security. Along the list of qualifications, titles, and credentials, we bring a real “think outside of the box” mindset to every project and we constantly strive to learn, explore, and push forward to master complex concepts and deliver top-notch services and results.

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