A secure source code review is a systematic, line-by-line code analysis for websites, applications, and software. The main objective is to identify security risks, vulnerabilities, or flaws that might have been overlooked during both the pre and post-development phases, as well as any that have been newly introduced. This process ensures that the code adheres tо the coding standards, complies with security regulations, meets performance criteria, and satisfies third-party audit requirements, enhancing the overall security and quality of the software.

Tell us

about your scope

What You'll Get

Executive Summary
Executive Summary

Key findings, risks, impacts, and critical recommendations.


Overview of methodologies, standards, tactics, and techniques used.

Technical Report

Detailed vulnerability analysis, reproduction steps, PoC, evidence.


Strategic and tactical walkthrough on how to fix vulnerabilities.

Expert Guidance

Comprehensive advice on cybersecurity enhancement strategies.

Complimentary Retest

 Offered once vulnerabilities are fixed.


What is Secure Code Review?

A secure code review is a strategic ‘White Box’ testing activity aimed at detecting and identifying loopholes and vulnerabilities before they are exploited for malicious gain. A Secure Source Code Review is always customized and requires a deep understanding of the application’s features and business rules. Our approach leverages industry-standard methodologies to ensure a thorough security assessment is conducted under safe and controlled conditions and utilizes an advanced mix of scanning tools and manual inspection. Beyond mere detection, Secragon stands out for discovering complex vulnerabilities not yet published and often not yet discovered.

We don’t just point out security holes; we help you solve them and provide detailed guidance and recommendations for best coding practices. Our goal is to equip your developers with the information they need for the continuous improvement and maintenance of your software’s security, ensuring long-term protection and resilience. 

Identifies potential security flaws in the early stages, enhancing the overall design of the project.

Reduces the time and resources needed to identify, fix, and debug security issues.

Helps avoid unplanned, last-minute modifications in production.

Fosters knowledge sharing between developers and the rest of the team, enhancing teamwork.

Standardizes solutions for common business functions, leading to more efficient product delivery.

Ensures that the software adheres to enterprise coding and security standards.

Why Conduct a Secure Code Review?

Conducting a Secure Code Review is vital to ensure the security and integrity of your software application’s code.


When Should You Perform
Secure Code Review?

You should perform a Secure Source Code Review as an ongoing practice to continuously identify and fix issues and as frequently as required by the organizational security policy. In addition, at several key points:

Essential to check that external integrations do not bring in new vulnerabilities to the system.

Early Development Stages

To identify and address potential vulnerabilities before they become deeply embedded in the code and to support better performance.

Post-Incident Analysis

Reassess the code after any security breaches or when new vulnerabilities are discovered in the technology stack to prevent future occurrences.

Major Updates or Additions

Following major updates, enhancements, or the integration of new features, to uncover any newly introduced vulnerabilities.

Third-Party Components

Essential to check that external integrations don’t compromise the security of the code by introducing unforeseen risks.

Before Public Releases

Before launching, perform a thorough review to ensure all security issues are addressed, safeguarding against potential threats.

Compliance Check

Regularly, to meet compliance and regulations that mandate stringent security measures and data protection.

We Provide Expert Solutions And Definite Results


Clear, upfront, with no
hidden costs.

Dedicated Project

Your security is our

Retesting After

Ensuring threats are
truly eliminated.


Premium protection,
reasonable rates.


Solutions fitted to your
specific needs.


Effectively securing your
digital assets.

What Will Be Assessed During a Secure Code Review?

During a Secure Code Review, several key areas are typically assessed to ensure the security of the application:


Ensuring that all input received by the application is properly validated to prevent common attacks such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting.

Handling and Logging

Evaluating how the system handles errors and logs activities, ensuring it doesn’t expose sensitive information or create other security risks.

and Authorization

Verifying that the system correctly
identifies and authenticates users,
and that it properly restricts access based
on user roles.

Code Dependencies
and Third-Party Libraries

This includes reviewing code for adherence to best practices, checking for business logic flaws, and ensuring compliance with relevant coding and security standards.

Handling and Storage

Checking how the application handles and stores sensitive data, including the use of encryption and secure data management practices.


Including Dark Web leaks, SSL/TLS configurations, third-party integrations, default credentials checks, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Couldn’t find the information you were looking for?

How fast can I get a Secure Code Review?

Assessing the security of APIs can present some challenges aA review can typically be scheduled within a week following a scoping call. If you need an urgent one, reach out to us immediately—we’re ready to assist. Connect with us now to secure your spot!nd limitations because often it can be difficult to concisely define the perspectives of how an API is used within its wider application architecture. Non-developers, who are not close to the technical details of the API’s integration and use cases may not know how to describe its exposure to users, and/or other systems or providers of penetration testing services. We work closely with our clients to understand these perspectives to accurately scope and complete API penetration tests.

How does Secure Source Code Review differ from automated scanning?

The process of code reviews led by experts contrasts with automated scans in several key ways: Analysis Depth: While automated scans are adept at spotting common vulnerabilities and documented patterns, they lack the nuanced understanding and depth an expert brings. Experts are skilled at uncovering intricate issues like logic errors or breaches in business rules, which automated tools might miss. Tailored Insights: Automated tools operate on a set formula, but experts can adapt their review to fit the specific nuances and requirements of your application. They delve into the unique business logic and characteristics of your software, yielding findings that are both pertinent and actionable. Expertise and Intuition: Bringing their wealth of experience and intuitive understanding, experts can identify subtle security risks and foresee potential future vulnerabilities that automated scans may not be programmed to catch.

Do we need to provide any access or permissions to conduct a review?

You’ll need to provide access to the application’s source code, possibly via version control systems, and relevant documentation like architecture diagrams and security policies. Limited access to specific environments or tools for effective communication and understanding of compliance requirements may also be necessary, all within the bounds of your organization’s security protocols.

What languages do you support?

We cover a wide range of popular programming languages, including Java, SQL, C/C++, PHP, Python, Swift for iOS applications, Kotlin for Android applications, and more, guaranteeing an effective review for most applications, regardless of the programming language used in their development.

How does a Secure Code Review fit into our overall cybersecurity strategy?

A Secure Code Review is a crucial component of an overall cybersecurity strategy, serving as a proactive measure to identify and rectify vulnerabilities in software before deployment. It complements other security practices like penetration testing and regular audits, ensuring that the applications are not only functionally robust but also secure from potential threats and breaches, thus maintaining the integrity of the entire digital infrastructure.

Is my data safe during a security assessment?

Client data protection is our priority. To protect your intellectual property, we have strict confidentiality policies and measures in place, including non-disclosure agreements.


We, at Secragon, are a team of certified ethical hackers, visionary security engineers, seasoned penetration testers, and committed project managers… but first of all – professionals, who LIVE and BREATHE Offensive Security. Along the list of qualifications, titles, and credentials, we bring a real “think outside of the box” mindset to every project and we constantly strive to learn, explore, and push forward to master complex concepts and deliver top-notch services and results.

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