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Cybersecurity for Energy, Gas and Oil

Nowhere is cybersecurity more important than in the energy sector. Modern energy services drive economic growth and power schools, hospitals, critical infrastructure, and essential services. However, as energy systems continue to advance technologically, they have become increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. In addition, the energy sector is subject to strict regulations regarding cybersecurity, so it is essential for organizations in this industry to have robust cybersecurity measures in place to avoid costly fines.

Our custom solutions are designed to help secure the power grid from the primary threats it faces:

Social Engineering

In the energy sector, 60% of attacks involve phishing. In 2022, there were at least 403 reported cyber attack incidents against energy sectors, with 179 successful data breaches. 92% of malware was delivered via email.

Attacks on ICS

In 2022 more than 40% of the total number of global industrial control systems (ICS) computers were attacked, and 24% were in the energy sector. These attacks can cause widespread power outages, as their primary objective is often to disrupt access to these services.


Ransomware attacks targeting organizations in the energy sector increased by nearly 300% in the last two years. These attacks are often devastating, as they can cause irreversible damage to energy production equipment.

Our Cybersecurity Solutions For Finance & Insurance Companies

Secragon’s world-class cybersecurity services help finance organizations comply with requirements and avoid costly fines.

Application Security Penetration Testing

Protect mission-critical apps through our web, mobile, and API penetration tests.

Network Security
Penetration Testing

Internal, external, wireless, mainframe, ICS / SCADA penetration…

Cloud Security

Penetration Testing

Enhance security of assets on Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Remote Working

Security Assessment

Infrastructure penetration tests, firewall configuration review, remote access…


We, at Secragon, are a team of certified ethical hackers, visionary security engineers, seasoned penetration testers, and committed project managers… but first of all – professionals, who LIVE and BREATHE Offensive Security. Along the list of qualifications, titles, and credentials, we bring a real “think outside of the box” mindset to every project and we constantly strive to learn, explore, and push forward to master complex concepts and deliver top-notch services and results.

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