Wireless networks extend the internal environment to potential external attackers within range. Are your wireless networks secured? Are your public guest networks isolated from the private network? Wireless penetration tests target an organization’s wireless infrastructure to infiltrate the internal network. The objective is to identify vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of security controls intended to prevent unauthorized access. This enables organizations to gain a comprehensive understanding of the threats, risks, and impacts they face, and to proactively improve their cybersecurity defenses.

Tell us

about your scope

What You'll Get

Executive Summary
Executive Summary

Key findings, risks, impacts, and critical recommendations.


Overview of methodologies, standards, tactics, and techniques used.

Technical Report

Detailed vulnerability analysis, reproduction steps, PoC, evidence.


Strategic and tactical walkthrough on how to fix vulnerabilities.

Expert Guidance

Comprehensive advice on cybersecurity enhancement strategies.

Complimentary Retest

 Offered once vulnerabilities are fixed.

What is Wireless Penetration Testing?

Wireless Penetration Testing is a systematic approach to evaluate the security of wireless access points, such as WiFi networks and wireless devices using the same techniques as hackers to gain unauthorized access and compromise sensitive information. At Secragon, we specialize in penetration tests that are 95% manual, designed to replicate real-world attacks, and conducted by experienced ethical hackers. Along with leveraging industry standard methodologies to ensure a thorough security assessment under safe and controlled conditions, our expert team utilizes an advanced mix of public and in-house developed exploits and in-depth analysis to discover vulnerabilities not yet published and often not yet discovered.

The objective is to penetrate target systems and evaluate the robustness of the wireless network’s security so that your organization can implement protective measures to mitigate risk. Our service not only identifies security gaps but also provides a prioritized action plan with remediation guidance to help you address any risks found.

We don’t just point out security holes; we help you solve them.

Lower the chances of data breaches and unauthorized user access by identifying and patching weaknesses.

Gain in-depth awareness of your wireless risk profile, providing crucial intelligence for managerial decision-making in cybersecurity.

Test the investments you have made in your cybersecurity. Implement controls to protect crucial assets like data centers and proprietary software.

As remote working becomes more prevalent, wireless penetration testing is increasingly important for securing VPNs, WLAN networks, personal devices, and other remote access points.

Use insights from the pentest to allocate resources strategically, focusing on your network’s vulnerable areas.

Wireless networks are hunting grounds for ransomware attacks, which can paralyze business operations and compromise critical data.

Why Conduct a Wireless Penetration Test?

The wireless network brings convenience and mobility to internal users, but with this convenience comes additional risks. An attacker does not need to gain physical access if vulnerable wireless networks can be compromised from a safe distance. Wireless networks have become such an important vector of attack for hackers that various standards require a yearly wireless penetration test to remain compliant. Here is what your organization will gain after conducting a project with our team:


When Should You Perform a Wireless Penetration Test?

Wireless Penetration Testing should be performed as frequently as required by the organizational security policy, with a general recommendation to conduct testing at least once per year. In addition to the regular schedule, penetration testing is particularly advisable in the following circumstances:

Significant Updates

Post major updates to your network infrastructure or new system deployments.

Policy Implementation

Before introducing new security policies or changes to ensure their effectiveness.

Regulatory Compliance

To adhere to required security assessment standards like PCI DSS or HIPAA.


Following any security incidents or upon discovering new, relevant threats.

Routine Checks

Conduct semi-annual or annual tests as part of regular security maintenance.

Physical Changes

After changes to office layout or location that could affect wireless signals.

We Provide Expert Solutions And Definite Results


Clear, upfront, with no
hidden costs.

Dedicated Project

Your security is our

Retesting After

Ensuring threats are
truly eliminated.


Premium protection,
reasonable rates.


Solutions fitted to your
specific needs.


Effectively securing your
digital assets.

What Will be Assessed During a Wireless Penetration Test?

Our assessment encompasses various components of your organization’s wireless network:

Encryption Strength

Evaluation of encryption protocols like WEP, WPA, and WPA2/WPA3.

Network Segmentation

Verifying proper segregation of guest and internal networks.

Authentication Mechanisms

Testing the effectiveness of authentication methods, including enterprise-level 802.1X.

Rogue Device Detection

Identifying unauthorized access points
and devices.

Access Point Security

Assessing security settings of wireless
access points for vulnerabilities.

Eavesdropping and MitM Attacks

Testing for susceptibilities to interception and manipulation of wireless communications.

Our Penetration Testing Process

If your organization has not gone through a penetration test before, you may not know what to expect. Even if you have, maybe you are wondering what Secragon’s stages of penetration testing are. Here is a high-level break down of each step of our proven process:

Activities: Engage stakeholders, define targets, plan logistics for efficient, transparent execution.


Outcomes: Scope Validation, Proposal, Contract.

Activities: Environment preparation, OSINT collection, attack scenario planning.

Outcomes: Strategy Development, Threat Insight.

Activities: Vulnerability identification, active exploitation, privilege escalation, execution of realistic attack scenarios, data and information collection, persistence maintenance, and documentation of steps.

Outcomes: Comprehensive Report, including Executive Summary, Technical Details, Impact Analysis, Recommendations.

Activities: Supporting vulnerability remediation with actionable steps and advice, answering follow-up queries.

Outcomes: Remediation Plan, Security Enhancement.

Activities: Validate the effectiveness of remediation efforts through complementary retesting.

Outcomes: Re-test Results, Attestation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Couldn’t find the information you were looking for?

How is the scope of a wireless penetration test defined?

The scope of a wireless penetration test is defined by identifying target SSIDs and access points, determining the physical locations to be tested, specifying the testing techniques and tools, outlining the extent of exploit attempts upon finding vulnerabilities, and setting the test’s duration. It also involves threat modeling to represent realistic attack scenarios and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. The expected deliverables are also established.

How fast can I get a wireless penetration test?

A wireless penetration test can typically be scheduled within 5-10 days following a scoping call. If you need an urgent test, reach out to us immediately—we’re ready to assist. Connect with us now to secure your spot!

How much does a wireless penetration test cost?

The cost of a wireless penetration test can vary significantly depending on the scope of the assessment. For wireless penetration testing, one of the most significant factors affecting the cost is the complexity of the network, the wireless devices and networks that need to be evaluated.

How does wireless pentesting fit into our overall cybersecurity strategy?

Wireless Network Penetration Testing is an essential part of a company’s overall cybersecurity strategy. It helps identify potential vulnerabilities in wireless network infrastructure, often a weak point for organization, which can be proactively addressed to prevent potential cyberattacks.

Is my data safe during a security assessment?

Client data protection is our priority. We use non-destructive methods during our assessments and maintain strict confidentiality.

How do we prepare for a wireless penetration test?

The requirements to get started with Wireless Network Penetration Testing include deploying a virtual access to the wireless network and connected devices, ensuring that the test will not interfere with business operations, and having a clear understanding of the scope of the assessment before starting the project.


We, at Secragon, are a team of certified ethical hackers, visionary security engineers, seasoned penetration testers, and committed project managers… but first of all – professionals, who LIVE and BREATHE Offensive Security. Along the list of qualifications, titles, and credentials, we bring a real “think outside of the box” mindset to every project and we constantly strive to learn, explore, and push forward to master complex concepts and deliver top-notch services and results.

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